Hi Fellowmen.
Even though my life is pretty much boring, I thought I'd publish a quick update. Summer, hmm...usually when it comes to mind I think: "a little work, lots of pool times, and many nights out with friends"...however this has not been the case for Ellen Summer of 08'. Ever since my adventure to Peru all I have been doing is working...and pretty much nothing else. I am too beat to ever do anything nights that I get home, or i have to wake up super early. Not the ideal life. At least I'm averaging $22/hour some weeks at the restaurant. Hey...I'll take that.
Emmigration Market- waitressing and working in the coffee/ice cream shop. That is one of my jobs...and i've also started working at Doctor Bill's dental office. Doing assisting, filing charts, etc. Man, that can be intense. The other week I helped Doctor Scott (brother) extract some wisdom teeth...no big deal. I thought I'd get queasy, but i didn't! I actually kinda enjoyed it. Kinda cool. I feel pretty important in a lab coat and medical gloves. Doctor Ellen. Sounds cool. This is as far as I'll ever go with medicine though, I just don't have it in me to go through all the classes it would require. I'll stick with my interior design..
We've got a couple trips coming up, Lake Powell and then Seattle the 2nd and 3rd weeks in this month. I'm pretty excited for both. Powell has always been one of my favorite spots in the world and I'm really pumped to get up to the northwest and check out all of the places Graham worked in for 2 yrs. We are going to visit some of the "Twilight" places, like La Push and Forks. Pretty excited for that. Maybe we'll spot a vampire...hahah.
I just finished "the host" by Stephenie Meyer. WWWOW. Incredible book. All you Meyer fans out there...I highly reccommend it. It was...to say the least...delicious. I love a good read. Takes you to a different, sometimes more interesting, world.
Well, till next time.
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