Friday, September 12, 2008


The Rocket Summer is one of my all time favorite bands...
Bryce Avary leads them out and he is the most amazing blonde haired, blue eyed artist I've ever known.
His song "Do You Feel" is all about the problems in the world that we all want to help solve..somehow...but don't know what we can do.
My good friend Kelly put this link up on her blog for the new video that just came out.

Definitely worth seeing...

ch-ch- check it out!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

that is so rude! i know a guy that doesnt like him. he just like doesnt like his performance. i dont know we didnt get that into it. but if someone called me and told me that i would cry and never talk to them again. or at least for a long time. bryce will never die. at least hes made something that will live on forever.