Ok, So...kinda a random blog post. BUT I am reading this FABULOUS book and I just have to share it with everyone. I was skeptical to start it, but I decided to give it a try. Stephenie Meyer's "The Host" is just gripping. It is about aliens...yes...that take over earth. They come in the form of "souls" and are "inserted" into hosts on whichever planet they choose to reside. It all sounds kinda whacko and crazy, but it is actually a very interesting story. The 'souls' are very peaceful creatures and think that they are doing mankind a favor by taking over their entire civilization (as men are so vicious and violent to each other). Melanie is a human who refuses to fade away and stays in her body, along with Wanderer, a soul who was placed inside her. The story just really puts things into a very interesting perspective. It makes you ponder on crazy things...if you've got any extra time..I'd reccomend to pick it up. Boys Beware: there is romance in this fabulous find.